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Transferring Web Sites

To view your web gallery on the Internet, it needs to be published from your computer to a public web server. Sometimes, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) provides free web space as part of your monthly access charges. Otherwise, you will have to arrange web space (usually for a modest fee on a per annum basis) with one of the many web-hosting providers available today. Doing an internet search will bring up the available choices for your area.

Registered StudioLine users receive free web space to test the web gallery features for a limited time on the StudioLine servers. By utilizing the StudioLine servers to transfer and upload your Web Gallery, you can be assured that all of your web gallery objects get safely transferred.

StudioLine uses the universally supported “FTP” (File Transfer Protocol) for uploading your files to the web server. It is strongly recommend that you let StudioLine perform the uploading. StudioLine has built-in validation to confirm that all new or updated components of your web gallery are uploaded successfully.

Click “Transfer” from the “Publish” Main Tool Bar icon.

Publishing Profile

The “Edit Profile” panel opens – either as an empty form or with information you previously entered. The information in the publishing profile enables StudioLine to contact the web server and transfer your gallery. StudioLine uses the same publishing profile for all of your web galleries.

Constructing your Publishing Profile

The information to fill out the publishing profile is obtained from the provider of your web space. Usually, you’ll only need to fill in the fields FTP Server, Login/User, Password, and the “Root URL”. The remaining fields can remain at their default values. If your provider does not specify a separate FTP server, then it may be the domain name of your web site (for example “”) and the URL of the web site root would be “”.

To upload your pages to specific folders on your FTP server, specify the “Remote Directory”. If the FTP folder translates to a corresponding folder on your web space, then append the folder name to the URL of the web site following a forward slash, for example a remote directory of “MyFolder” would be represented in the URL as “”. The name of the “Default Document” is server-specific, usually “default.htm”, “index.htm”, or “index.html” and can be obtained from your web-hosting provider. StudioLine requires this name to generate proper names for your pages. If you are unable to obtain the name, StudioLine will attempt to determine that name for you while testing the publishing profile (see below).

The number of “Maximum Concurrent Connections” tells StudioLine, how many parallel FTP sessions it may open in an attempt to maximize bandwidth and reduce total upload times (possibly reducing your connection fees.) Some providers do not permit more than one connection. StudioLine will attempt to determine the maximum number while testing the publishing profile.

Sometimes workstations are running behind firewalls or have personal firewall software installed to avoid intrusions by unauthorized parties. Depending on the firewall technology and configuration, it may be necessary to specify a “Proxy Server”, a “Port”, or to select the option “Passive”. Your local system administrator will be able to assist you with the correct configuration.

After filling in the profile, click the “Test” button. StudioLine will connect to your web server to test and verify your settings and make any corrections as needed. If the test fails and StudioLine cannot determine the correct settings, then an error message will indicate the specific circumstances.

It is possible that your web server requires less common settings for “Remote Directory”, “Root URL”, and “Default Document”, which differ from the above examples. In that case, you will need to contact your web-hosting provider for the correct information.

Image Rendering Preferences

Through this window, the default image quality is determined. This is used for images that are placed into a Page or a Layout.

A setting of 80 or higher prevents the over-compression of the color resolution. The is especially important for Text objects that are being generated as a graphic. Moreover, as mentioned previously in this manual, StudioLine recommends that you import most text as a graphic in order to avoid variations of font from program to program.

You access this window through the 'Image Rendering' tab under the 'Preferences' menu.

Image Quality - That is the settings/properties of an image. The button 'default value' returns the quality setting at 80.

Text- Graphic Quality - This is the setting for every text object that is generated as a graphic. The button 'default value' returns the quality setting back to 90.

Image Quality

The size of an image effects the time required to upload a web page and available disk space. Therefore, web designers spend a great deal of time in an effort to reach a good compromise between image quality and the upload time of a web site page. StudioLine was developed with the goal of automating and optimizing this process.

You access this window by choosing 'Image Quality' in the 'Edit' menu.

Original Size - Examine the original image and review its size in its original, totally uncompromised form.

Compressed Size - Assess the quality of the compressed image and review the compression-based size.

Navigation - Page through your images with the help of the navigation objects (should more than one image be marked).

Quality - Assess the JPEG compression- factor. Images of higher quality load slower, whereas images of a less good quality can appear less appealing.

You have the ability to adjust your upload preferences in the 'Image Rendering' tab under the 'Preferences' menu.

web5/publish.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/26 12:08 by