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The appearance and function of the Image Archive Pane can be customized to suit your personal preferences. Open the Menu Bar item “Preferences” and choose “Image Archive”. A window titled “Image Archive” will open. It allows you to control specific aspects for each of the content views, the color profile, and advanced settings.


Under Albums, you can control the size of and distance between thumbnail images for individual folders. You can also reach this window by right-clicking on the background of the Image Archive Desktop and choosing “Display Options” from the context menu.

Proxy Images

This window can be opened under Proxy Images tab in the Preferences menu.

The proxy image is a hard disk space-saving version of the original picture that has a low resolution and quality. You can make modifications to the settings in the dialog box.

pro/preferences.txt · Dernière modification : 2013/11/15 12:32 de henning_stummer