


Backup Originals

To safeguard your precious images and image editing work, you should back up your Image Archive to CD, DVD or Harddisk on a regular basis. Conveniently, the backup function is built into StudioLine.

We recommend you store your backups at a secure location away from your computer and, if possible, a different location altogether. This way you will be able to recover your images even in the case of a catastrophic loss involving your premises.

Note: Web galleries are not included in the Image Archive backups. To safeguard your web galleries, use the StudioLine Explorer “Pages” and export to “StudioLine File” format.

Backup to Disc

This function allows you to make copies of your original images to disc without losing the image editing (effects, descriptors, etc.) which you achieved through StudioLine.

Backing Up

StudioLine collects the image originals stored inside the Image Archive (or depending on the settings, they may be located on several discs) and copies them on to your computer’s hard drive. Descriptors, key words, as well as tool effects are stored next to the originals in XML-data sets. The information connected with each image in the Image Archive can thus be fully restored.


How you restore images depends on your copy settings. Externally stored images are first copied directly or in their folders along with their XML files to the place where you intend to save them permanently; from there you drag them into the Image Archive. Internally stored images can be directly dragged from the backup into the Image Archive.

Note: To be effective, the backup should always reside on a different physical drive than the originals you work with, so that in case of a drive failure your backup does not get lost with the originals!

Backup to CD or DVD

The backup function can be performed for folders or the entire Image Archive StudioLine will copy the original images together with any descriptors, tool and filter settings onto CD or DVD.

  • To backup a folder, right-click on the folder in the Albums view of the Image Archive Pane. Choose “Backup” → “Backup Folder to CD/DVD” from the context menu. If applicable, StudioLine will prompt you whether to backup any subfolders.
  • To backup the entire Image Archive right-click on “Image Archive,” the topmost listing in the Albums view of the Image Archive Pane. Choose “Backup” → “Backup Folder to CD/DVD” from the context menu. When prompted whether to backup any subfolders, click “Yes”.

The window “Backup Folder to CD/DVD ” opens.

You can overwrite the default title that StudioLine proposes for the disc. If applicable, you can choose which of your CD or DVD recorders to use, erase any re-writable media, and set the recording speed.

The lower part of the panel displays information about the current disc located in the burn drive, the amount of data to be written, and the number of discs that will be required. Click “OK” to commence the backup.

Once complete, StudioLine will suggest how you should label your disc(s). Since StudioLine will refer to discs by its label, you should follow the suggestion and then store your backups in a safe location.

A backup disc can also be used to upload images to other computers that are running StudioLine. The loaded images will include all descriptors, filters, tools, and settings. However, given the critical importance of your backup disc, we recommended that you never let it out of your possession.

Backing Up New Pictures

StudioLine keeps track of any new images that are added to a folder after it is backed up. When you select that folder for another backup, StudioLine will offer to perform either a full backup of all images, or just an incremental backup of new images.

Restoring the Entire Image Archive

You can recover from a loss of your entire Image Archive (for example due to a hard drive failure) by following these steps:

  • Reinstall StudioLine.
  • Start StudioLine and open “File” menu and choose “Restore from Backup”.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions.

Restoring Individual Images

To restore individual images, open the backup disc in “StudioLine Explorer – My Computer” (via the “Browse and Load” button on the QuickStep Bar). Navigate to the backup images and drag them onto the Image Archive desktop.

StudioLine will recognize if you try to restore an image that already exists in the Image Archive and display the window “Image Already Exists in Image Archive”.

The two topmost fields display the name of the backup image and its location in the Image Archive. For external images, you can view the location of the physical picture by resting the mouse pointer over the second field.

A drop-down list offers choices on how to proceed with the image. For internal images, you can:

  • Reload Original from Backup
    StudioLine replaces the master copy in the Image Archive with the backed up image from the backup disc. The option “Include Filters and Descriptors” will be off by default; changes made after the backup will therefore be retained. If you choose the option “Include Filters and Descriptors”, then the image, its descriptors, tools, filters, and settings are restored from the backup – effectively reversing any changes made after the backup.
    Keep in mind that the image will be restored to the original location illustrated in the second field of the panel. If this is not the same folder you dragged the disc icon to originally, then appropriate image shortcuts will be inserted into that folder.
  • Create as New Image
    StudioLine creates a new image in the target folder you dragged the disc icon to. The option “Include Filters and Descriptors” is always active by default. You will now have two copies of the same image in your Image Archive.
  • Reload Original and Create Shortcut
    This functions like the option “Replace the Original with the Backup”. However, StudioLine will create a shortcut in the folder where you dragged the disc icon to, which refers to the restored image at the original Image Archive location.
  • Skip
    StudioLine will not restore the image. This is equivalent to clicking the “Cancel” button.

The option “Apply to All Backed Up Images” is only relevant, when you are restoring more than one picture at a time and you want the same choice to be used for all other images that may already exist. If you deselect this option, you will be prompted for each image individually.

classic/backup.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/10/29 10:38 von penelope_chapron