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Recherche d'image

Le moteur de recherche de StudioLine peut être utilisé pour trouver une image particulière, mais également pour rassembler des images correspondant à un certain thème à partir de différents dossiers. La fonction “Rechercher” des archives d'images rassemble toutes les images ayant une correspondance dans un dossier provisoire “Résultats de la recherche”. Toutes les recherches sont basées sur le contenu des descripteurs. En utilisant largement les descripteurs et en entrant des descriptions détaillées, vous serez récompensé par des résultats beaucoup plus significatifs dans vos recherches.

Vous pouvez rechercher rapidement des images juste en entrant les mots souhaités dans le champ de “Recherche rapide” de la barre de menu Edition. Après avoir appuyé sur la touche “Entrée”, StudioLine commencera à chercher l'image demandée dans les dossiers des archives d'images ouverts ainsi que dans leurs sous-dossiers.

Recherche avancée

Pour ouvrir la recherche avancée, cliquez sur le bouton “Rechercher” en haut du volet de navigation des Archives d'images.

Dans le panneau “Rechercher dans les Archives d'images” (voir ci-dessous), vous pouvez entrer des critères de recherche et aussi limiter la recherche à certains descripteurs et dossiers.

Par défaut, la recherche sera effectuée sur l'ensemble des archives d'images. Utilisez la liste des dossiers sur le côté droit afin de restreindre la recherche à un ou plusieurs dossiers de votre choix. Le champ “Rechercher dans” affiche le dossier sélectionné, ou “ \ ” pour la totalité des archives d'images.

La liste déroulante “Descripteurs à utiliser” vous permet de spécifier quels sont les descripteurs à utiliser pour trouver l'argument de recherche. A partir de la liste déroulante, sélectionnez “Choisir…” pour ouvrir la fenêtre “Choisir les descripteurs”. Pour une recherche encore plus ciblée, cliquez sur le bouton “Recherche avancée” dans la fenêtre “Rechercher dans les archives d'images”.

Ici vous pouvez définir des critères de recherche complexes, comme par exemple localiser toutes les images qui mentionnent “Portugal” sauf celles qui mentionnent “Lisbonne.”

Time Spans

You can use the advanced search options “Date between” or “Time between” by clicking on their respective boxes, and using the drop down menus to define the time span. You can then chose if your images are to be found based on their File-, Exif-, or Modification date. Choose one of the three from the dropdown menu “use descriptor.”

  • Search by Exif Date
    This option includes images based on the creation date as recorded by the digital camera. You’ll quickly find sunset photos from last year’s vacation.
  • Search by File Date
    This option includes images based on the day that they were copied to your computer. This can be helpful for scanned and other images that lack Exif information.
  • Search by Modification Date
    This option includes images based on the date when they were last edited. This is an excellent way to locate images that you recently have been working on.

Search and Replace

The panel “Search Image Archive“ is also used to perform a global change against the descriptors of several images. This feature could be used to standardize spellings or abbreviations for certain terminology, for instance.

  • Type the word or phrase to be replaced into the field “Search Argument.”
  • Click the “Replace” checkbox. Below, type the replacement text.

The replace is “case sensitive” – the search argument you typed must use the same combination of upper and lowercase letters as the text you are trying to replace.

Managing Your Search Results

Matching images are arranged in a temporary Image Archive folder called “Search Results.” This special purpose folder will be discarded as soon as a different folder is opened via the album view of the Image Archive Pane. The found images can be viewed as a slide show, printed, emailed, exported, or used in a web gallery. You can permanently save any such search collection of theme-related images.

  • First, open the StudioLine Explorer “Image Archive” and navigate to a target folder for your images, or create a new one. (You could also rightclick on “Image Archive” in the album view of the Image Archive Pane and choose “New Folder” from the context menu.)
  • Click the “Select All” button on the toolbar, or press “Ctrl+A,” to select all images in the search results.

For the next step you have several choices:

  • You may simply want to retain the search result for now so that you can process them at a more convenient time. In this case, press and hold the “Alt” key while dragging the images from the search results to the target folder. New shortcut objects are created in the target folder, but all pictures remain at their original locations. This also guarantees that the shortcut objects will always use the same descriptions, filters, image tools and settings as the reference images at their original locations. Remember, if you ever delete any of the images in their original locations, the shortcut object will be removed as well.
  • If you are trying to process the search result pictures with different descriptions, filters, or tool settings, then press and hold the “Ctrl” key while dragging the images from the search results to the target folder. Copies of all search result picture objects are created in the target folder. Any work performed against the image copies will not affect the pictures at their original locations. However, thanks to the underlying StudioLine database technology, no extra disk space is required for duplicate physical images.
  • If you are trying to reorganize your pictures, drag the selected images from the search results and drop them into their target folder. The pictures will be moved from their original location to the target folder.
fr/basic/image_search.1441110906.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/09/01 08:35 de penelope_chapron