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Geodaten von Bildern, die bereits verortet sind (mit Geotags versehen), können in StudioLine angezeigt werden. Sie können Bilder mit GPS-Daten verknüpfen (Geotagging oder Bildverortung). Dazu benötigen Sie zu den Bildern, die Sie ins Bildarchiv geladen haben, eine passende GPS-Logdatei im GPX- oder NMEA-0183 Format. Dieses Format ist das Datenformat, das auch Navigationsgeräte verarbeiten.

To open the Map View, simply click on the „Map“ button in the Button Bar. The Image Archive pane displays all of the images in your selected folder as thumbnails in a left-hand panel, with a Google map on the right. Images in your folder that are already Geotagged will have a small icon in the lower-left hand side of the image. The Google map in the right-hand pane will automatically display the image's position on the map and mark it with a blue arrow.

If you have tagged your image, you can view the position on Google Maps by clicking on the Geotag button below the image in Image Archive.This will launch the Geo Explorer window and the image's location will be displayed in Google maps on the right.

For images that need to be Geotagged, simply type in the name of the location in the menu bar, and the Google map will automatically position itself there. You can fine tune the location by zooming in and out on the map and using the cross-hair to specify exactly where the location should be marked.

Once you have found your location on the map, and positioned the cross-hair exactly on the intended place, then you can use the 'apply position' button to Geotag the image. All the images currently selected will then acquire that Geodata. The name for this location will be automatically acquired via the internet (GeoNames). For images that already have GPS coordinates associated with them, but need the name of the location to be included in the descriptor, simply click on the Retrieve Location Names button. The location names will be acquired and assigned to the image.

In order to view the Geotagged positioning of more than one image at once, click on the Optimize Scale button and the Google map will be adjusted to include all the locations of your currently selected photos on one map.

Importing and Exporting a Geotagged Image in .KML

KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Maps for mobile. If you want to upload your geotagged images to Google Maps or Google Earth, simply select them in the Image Archive, right-click and go to the Geotagging/Create KML file with thumbnails. A .kml file is then generated that allows you to upload the your image to any of these commerical programs for viewing online. This is particularly useful if you want to create a web gallery that indicates the location where the image was created on a map.

You can also import .kml data andimages from third parties by going to the Geotagging menu and selecting Import KML file.

de/basic/view_map.1383746961.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2013/11/06 09:09 von henning_stummer