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Envoi d'images par e-mail

With StudioLine it’s easy to automatically create an email containing images you’ve selected. Select any number of images, and select “Send Images via Email” from the “File” menu. Alternatively, you can right-click on the selected images to open the context menu and select “Send Images via Email.”

The “Send Images via Email” window opens where you can determine the size and file format of your image attachments.

The “Send Images via Email” window is, with the exception of a few logical differences, identical with the already familiar “Exports Objects As...” window. Therefore the following explanations are mainly refreshers.

Saved Settings

Here you can set and save frequently used email settings for easy recall.

Image Size

The “Image Size” drop-down menu offers a choice of standard screen and print sizes. The “Use Original Size” option will email images in the size of the Image Archive originals. You can also use the width and height controls to pick any custom size.

A standard or custom size you choose may not exactly fit the dimensions of the images to be emailed. As in exporting, to safeguard against distortion or over-stretching, StudioLine will never enlarge images beyond their original size or change their width/height proportions. Instead StudioLine uses the “underfill” technique (discussed in the Exporting Images section). The size you choose defines a bounding rectangle into which StudioLine will proportionally scale the images, as necessary.

The checkbox “Automatically Adjust for Orientation” will take the orientation of each image into consideration and assign the larger specified size to the longer side of the image, and vice versa. If you were to define a size of 640×480 pixels, then a landscape image would be exported 640 pixels wide, while a portrait image would be 640 pixels high. Next to the two size control fields is a drop down list with units of measurement: pixels, inches, or centimeter.

Images intended for printing or desktop publishing can thus be exported in the preferred unit of measure. The field “DPI” will activate to let you control the print resolution.

File Format

StudioLine will propose to email images in the widely recognized JPEG format which cuts down file size dramatically. The smaller the file size, the quicker your email will upload and send. The estimated size of the email message appears near the bottom of the panel. Adjust the amount of compression by adjusting the number in the field entitled “Image.” High quality (a higher number) is great for crisp online resolution and professional at-home printing. Low quality is really only suitable for images where resolution is not important.

Other file formats will always use the quality of the original image. These file formats should only be used for specific applications – such as sending images for professional quality print purposes. If you need to send an image with transparent areas or irregular shapes, choose the TIFF or PNG file formats and deselect the option “Colorize Transparent Areas,” as described below.

Other Options

Below the “Format” control is a list of additional options. Active options are displayed with a checkmark. Click an option to activate or deactivate.

  • Apply Image Tools
    If you deactivate this option, StudioLine will keep any pre-processing, but disregard other image tools, filters, and effects that you may have used with this image. This allows you to email an unedited version of your image.
  • Colorize Transparent Areas
    By default, transparent areas (the “alpha channel”) will be preserved if the chosen file format supports transparency (for example TIFF or PNG). Activate this option if you want the transparent areas to be colored white instead. For graphics formats that don't support transparency (for example JPEG, BMP), transparent areas will be always be colored white.
  • Omit Camera Specific Exif Data
    StudioLine will include Exif, IPTC, and Windows tags with images if supported by the chosen graphics file format. Select this option to omit any such camera specific information from the emailed file.
  • Include Descriptors
    This option will copy the system and user descriptors to the message body.


Click the “Preview” button to verify the result of your image settings before the files are sent. A preview window will show the images based on all settings in the specified size and quality (for JPEG images). Using the “Image Settings” drop-down menu, it's easy to find the ideal settings because the preview will automatically refresh after any change. The toolbar allows you to browse between images and choose a preview size A more detailed explanation of the window “Preview/Detail Settings” is discussed in the chapter Exporting Images.


Click “OK” in the “Send Images via Email” window to send your email. If your email software is compatible and has been defined as the default, it will automatically open and start a new message with the selected images as attachments. Simply enter the recipient’s email address, type a message, and send.

fr/basic/email_image.1441113795.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2015/09/01 09:23 de penelope_chapron