
Image Pre-Processing

One of the key features of StudioLine is the ability to apply a complete set of image optimizations to an entire series of similar pictures. For proper image alignments, to crop unwanted borders, or to correct unappealing red pupil discolorations in people or animals (Red Eye Removal), use the appropriate tool from the “Preprocessing“ section of the “Image Toolbox” panel.

Crop and Rotate

If you simply need to change a photo from horizontal to vertical alignment (portrait vs. landscape) or vice versa, click the “Rotate Clockwise” or “Rotate Counter-Clockwise” button on the bottom toolbar. The Crop and Rotate selection in the Image Toolbox opens a window with more fine-tuning capabilities. Align the dotted line of the crop tool to a line in the image and rotate to the exact degree quickly and effortlessly. The “Crop and Rotate” tool performs a number of tasks:

Red-Eye Correction

An annoying result of flash photography is red pupil discoloration in people and other pupil colors in animals. To correct this effect use the “Red Eye Removal” preprocessing tool.

In the left “Select Area” pane, click on a discolored eye. The “Select Red Eye” pane on the right zooms into the selected area so that you can make an accurate selection. In the right pane, click exactly inside the discolored pupil.

StudioLine will correct the discoloration. If the result is not satisfactory, you can manually adjust the result:

The slider “Color Tolerance” expands or reduces the area that will be corrected, in case too much or too little of the pupil was effected.

The slider “Adjustment Effect” controls the intensity of the color correction.

Repeat these steps for as many eyes as necessary. Each corrected eye is tagged with a number. This way you can later pick individual eyes and make further corrections. To remove the correction for a particular eye, choose it with the “Eye No.” control and then click the “Delete” button next to it. To remove all red-eye corrections, drag the “Copy” button of this panel to the recycle bin.